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Videos: Prophet Shepherd Bushiri's church members prays for his release

Supporters of Enlightened Christian Gathering Church leader Shepherd Bushiri came out in their numbers to support him as he appeared in the Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crimes Court with his wife on February 4 2019.

Malawi pastor, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife, who were arrested in South Africa last Friday February 1st, were arraigned before a Pretoria Commercial Crimes Court on  Monday February 4th on charges of fraud, money laundering and contravening the Prevention of Organised Crime Act dating back to 2015.

Videos: Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

The clergyman and his wife who are well known for their flamboyant lifestyle, were arrested at a hotel in Rustenburg last week Friday February 1st.

Videos: Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
His church members gathered outside the church this morning to pray as they appeared in court this morning.

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